Hello everyone.
I would like to start a point-and-click horror/sci-fi trilogy, and I've already wrote the whole plot (details to be added). The trilogy is named "Prisoner" and it will be centered in a fictional scientific research facility.
Since I'm doing all things by myself (and since it's the first time I work with Flash), I think it will take quite a long time, but I'll try to be efficient and quick.
Feel free to leave a comment about what do you think or anything else you wanna ask.
Enjoy my audio submissions in the meanwhile ^^
EDIT: Logo! Whoohoo!! :D
Previous links:
My Youtube channel
FALLEN ECLIPSE released!!: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P37E8HYV
Stream - Newgrounds Audio Collab: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S85LNDKZ
"Reflections" IS OUT!!!: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QBOB38BL
Youtube playlist "Sounds and Vibrations demos"
Youtube playlist "DumbLine (KK Slider and TheAntiMatter)"
The prisoner logo looks awesome.
You might want get rid of the white bevel stuff and make that just red!
KKSlider60 (Updated )
Yeah, that was my fault actually... Couldn't handle well the transparency.
You won't see it in the game, of course :)
EDIT: Here, fixed ;)