Fooling around. A lot.

Age 32, Male

Human being

Earth is my school

In a place, apparently.

Joined on 12/7/09

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KKSlider60's News

Posted by KKSlider60 - February 12th, 2013

EDIT: The new operative account is HERE.
PLEASE READ: Any private message sent to this account will be ignored. Please follow and support Forgotten Dawn, as my new active account is that of the above link. Thank you.

I'm making a decision that I consider very important in my journey of musical composition, and that would be to stop publishing tracks under this account and its related channels or sister sites such as Youtube, Facebook, Soundcloud and Bandcamp.

My intent is symbolic for me, and represents a complete renewal of the things that contributed in my small, great niche of sound collages and its listeners, including the way I work, I share my thoughts, I live.

I'm closing a chapter that served me well as a beginning.

That being said, I don't wanna leave the impression I won't be making music anymore. Not at all. In fact, it's merely a passage... I will simply move to another account, devoid of puerile tracks and half-finished products, where I can start composing anew.

This "passage" will not be exclusive only to music, but other forms of expression as well, such as drawing, perhaps even webcomics, and (hopefully) game designing.

I would like to thank all of the people that made this possible. I am here thanks to you, and I am forever grateful.
In no particular order:
Josephine Melton
The guys of Cornerless Cube Games
Matt Ackerman and Jon Sandness
Skye Wintrest
Ryan Skunkel
Lars Vogel
The people I met early on in my teen years, on those fantasy-related forumcommunity boards
Itakura Yoshitaka-san
The rest of all my 114 Newgrounds subscribers
Everyone who randomly clicked on one of my tracks and dedicated even a few seconds listening to it
Everyone who randomly exchanged a word or idea, and shared it.
To all those I haven't accidentally listed here, I haven't forgotten you. :)

Thank you,
KK Slider.
Image credits: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kamikaye/moon scraper?context=ratings:etm.sort:1.category:fine -art.offset:66 - Please support and share

Dearest listeners

Posted by KKSlider60 - February 4th, 2013

Woot, so the Dreams of Splendor contest is finally over, complete with the results!

I ranked 12th, which I think is still a pretty good position out of what- 49 people? Yeah. :D

Congratz to the winners, it was plenty of fun! 'Till next time!

Dreams of Splendor - Epilogue

Posted by KKSlider60 - January 30th, 2013

And here we are, at last, for your enjoyment.

Tears and Sacrifice

Posted by KKSlider60 - January 13th, 2013

Quite the resonant title.

After several weeks of creative lunacy, I finally decided to join this contest. Perhaps for convincing myself I can finish something once in a while.

I'll pretend to draw something with sound waves instead of a thin, ebony ink.

In the meantime... enjoy.

Posted by KKSlider60 - January 3rd, 2013

A year full of days. And weeks. And - unbelievable - months, even!

Marching on...

Posted by KKSlider60 - December 13th, 2012

Finally, the album has arrived! The collaborative effort between myself and Insanctuary has fruited this pearl of experimental music, now available for free on Bandcamp.com, Soundcloud and Newgrounds. Enjoy!

"Melting Universe" album available on Bandcamp.com

Posted by KKSlider60 - October 25th, 2012

I know, I know.
I said many times I won't be making any music, and once in a while I pop-up again with some new track.

Well, the truth is, sometimes I deliberately choose to spam and make something that takes the very least effort for me. Be it just for fun, or simply a gateway from my repressed feelings to come out in some ways or another, be it anything you can up with.

I just can't make anything serious for now, as I would need plenty of time and dedication to put on my multi-faceted creations.

I will therefore leave you with a beautiful image I found on the internet, hoping that will inspire you somehow or simply relax and enjoy its vibrant colors and shades.

So long and as always,

Thank you

Hey guys

Posted by KKSlider60 - October 6th, 2012

Put my hands on the Gamecube again...
Playing Animal Crossing... again...
Memories... AGAIN.


Enjoy :3

Posted by KKSlider60 - September 8th, 2012

Yup, I jumped on the SoundCloud bandwagon too. :3

I inaugurated my new account with a track you already know (hopefully), that is Living World.

As I stated there in the track description, I decided to debut on SC with this track as a symbol of renewed interest in experimentation and sound design, taking a step forward into the realm of abstract soundscapes and unpredictable compositions.

In layman's terms, I'll do my best to make the most diverse and varied tracks for that channel only. 'Cause you know, it's like spamming... something good's gotta pop up at some point among that 95% of surrounding crap. :D

And lastly, THANK YOU!

Posted by KKSlider60 - September 2nd, 2012

Allright, what to say, where to start.

- This song got featured in the front page somehow after almost a year since its release. Listen to it, 's a good one. ;) Also on youtube, and bandcamp. Too lazy to link, go look for them below my logo on the right (and the ads, if you see 'em). Thank you. <<<

- Been recently fucking up with Photoshop and its filters, you can see it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kkslider60/kk s-creepy-baby The guys at Adobe must be selling their souls to the devil, literally. They're doing a crazy ass job with the software and it's probably going to be better in the next years.

- Just busy. College is about to start, I gotta study and I have tons of projects on the works, including a new album and some other stuff I left some time ago. I need a vacation just to enjoy the upcoming winter.

- If you want to collab or ask for permission for one of my tracks, just drop me a PM and I'll answer as soon as I can. I apologize in advance if I don't instantly reply on your reviews, blame the retardesign for that.

- You've checked my links before, haven't ya? DO IT.

- So apparently, the NG CD 2012 collab project is in its final stages of development. It interests me in particular because I participated there with a brand new track, that will be released just for the occasion along with the other songs, and I'm really excited about how did this project go and how the people involved had the inspiration and the fun to move along and sharing ideas together. Please welcome the album with a big, fat applause when it'll be released, not just for me but for everyone who really moved their asses making something special for the great audience that is the internet. THIS is Newgrounds.
EDIT: And apparently, Newgrounders can't fucking read a post. So to avoid confusion, the CD is still waiting for Tom's approval about physical releases and distribution of said project. Thank you.

- And now, random image...! You've been naughty didn't ya, boy?

Something something