Awesome :D Congratz on winning
Awesome :D Congratz on winning
Thanks, KKS! xx
Suggestivo :D Come lo hai realizzato?
ho modificato una foto di uno specchio, cambiato i colori e aggiunto qualche effettoottico... molto particolare... quest'immagine è presente sul finale del video trough magic doors...
A pencil? What the hell? This is too awesome to be all hand-drawn in monochrome! :D Seriously, I define my self as "good" at drawing but this is just stellar. All those shades, every tiny little detail, such expressiveness I'm sincerely impressed and amazed. What pencil types did you use? 2B's? HB's? I would be interested in knowing, because I'd like to train now.
Again, incredible job.
-Review Request Club-
Thanks for the review! I used a 2H, 2B, and 6B and a little bit of mechanical pencil.
I have visions of a house infested by Hello Kitty-like monsters, furniture of all kinds with various shades of pink, and now THIS glass-like Jigglypuff staring at you just below your monitor. O_O
What would you do? I would either: a) Purchase a shotgun and start shooting at anything in sight; b) Sell all that shocking pink-colored furniture to some Chibi/Anime freak; c) Screw up and rate this 10/10 and 5/5.
Whew, that was long. Hope you had a laugh =)
I indeed laughed, because your review was really funny, thanks for that.
Well, I would probably keep the pink stuff, just for fun :)
Cute and minimalist
It's just cute, haha :D
Makes me think of those awesome cats on youtube, so you automatically won by cuteness overflow. My brain can't contain that much kawa-*cough* cute all at once. Although it's also very... Japanese culture influenced, huh?
Who cares, 10/10 and 5/5 ^^
Well, it is indeed influenced by japanese culture, yes.
Thank you for your kind review :)
Hey I like it! The Metal God's traits are easily recognizable, and your drawing style is great, as well as coloring/shading and everything.
Very nice tribute to a metal star, I digg this ;)
-Review Request Club-
Long live Metallica and Pushead, great piece of art there. ^^
(Ma sei italiano?! O.o)
nope...mexicano posso parlare di tutto un po' ... :D grazie!!
Man, I love Japan, and I must absolutely love this painting.
Toriis sure got their own "aura", it's something that can't be explained with words, and you made the magic happen. A priceless fine piece of art and well of emotions.
Long live the Oriental beauty. 5 stars, 10/10, no regrets.
Glad you like it. I've still got lots more paintings with an oriental style and a few more straight from Japan to put up, so look out for em! Thanks for the critique.
I guess each of us has some bits of madness in his/her life.
We're like living never-ending mazes, in which everyone shows different aspects of his personality.
But you know... these characters are great, though looking very basic and cartoon-network like. XD
I think that's what it makes them great nowadays.
Keep up the good job,
I see insanity as more of a gift than a curse!
nless, you're, like, one of those crazy dudes locked up in an asylum, wrapped in a white jacket, and drooling non stop while talking to yourself...
Other wise it's not so bad!
And thanks for the compliments!
Fooling around. A lot.
Age 32, Male
Human being
Earth is my school
In a place, apparently.
Joined on 12/7/09