As a HL2 fan I must say... AWESOME!!
As a HL2 fan I must say... AWESOME!!
Nice start
I don't like giving low scores for an actual average-to-decent movie. Sure has its pros and cons, like the lack of voice acting, replay button and preloader, but come on... the animation is fluid and characters are great. And there's PLENTY of different enemies, IMO.
Keep up the good work bro, hope you come back with a series ^^
The ultimate brainwashing machine
I'll just say that this song got stuck in my head in an unrepairable way.
I don't know but...
...I think it could have been better. Before a series gets too old or it's slowly decaying in terms of fun and entertainment, you better quit this and create a brand new one. Really, this video shows in my opinion that sequels are a waste of time, and they lack the creativity of the original creations.
Change, buddy. You did awesome (no pun intended, lol) videos, but now I think you should invent something completely new. That said, I hope you continue to make great videos ;)
This is one of those movies in which everyone's got a different opinion and view about it. So here's my interpretation:
- I think the "victim" represents someone who acted like a black sheep in a group of people, precisely, one who doesn't follow others' fashions and thinks with his own mind;
- The "judges" may represent the faces of an extremely hypocrite society, that first welcomes you with a wide smile and then stabs you in the back. Do what I say, or you'll suffer the consequences - that's basically the big deal. And the protagonist, while struggling to surrender to the "system", ultimately payed the price of being free, by the hand of a sadistic and cold high-ranking puppet.
- After the murder, everything's back to normal, nothing happened at all. The ending may simply represent the triumph of hypocrisy over the righteous ones, or the end of all hopes. Dictatorship in its best form?
I smiled with disgust, thinking that maybe in our planet such things exist and happen for real, in any moment, elsewhere.
In conclusion, excellent movie, very deep and thought-provoking.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, shit to shit.
I have no sarcastic comment to think of, so here is a meaningless response.
Animation is an art, and you sir, are its God.
Haha, I love choruses and your shorts too XD
Great stuff
I love these shorts, and this may be even funnier than Beer Run.
Egoraptor is... well... AWESOME! XD
Fooling around. A lot.
Age 32, Male
Human being
Earth is my school
In a place, apparently.
Joined on 12/7/09