This interesting actually...
This is the real proof that looping videos combined with dance-like music are made to be popular.
The more it loops, the more becomes popular. Hey, people, let's make an internet meme NOW! C'mon! XDD
This interesting actually...
This is the real proof that looping videos combined with dance-like music are made to be popular.
The more it loops, the more becomes popular. Hey, people, let's make an internet meme NOW! C'mon! XDD
Now this is what I call a Flash video!
Totally amazing... music, animations, graphics, everything is mind blowing. 10/10
So, is that my story? XD
Geez, I better run away then... xD
It's a good vid and I really liked it, but the only downside is the overall animation pace and how you "moved" KK.
Other than that, keep up the nice work! We need more Animal Crossing parodies here, pity there aren't that much...
Art in its finest form
Truly a masterpiece.
But what were the winning elements of this wonderful artistic formula? A simple, yet crushing animation, and an everyday-experience moral that makes you think about how cruel is life sometimes. But the angel's wings grew stronger and the bully was vanquished with his own weapons.
Ne'er to surrender, ne'er to retreat.
Thank you for this delightful movie, words cannot express what I just saw today.
I finally found this vid, and I can finally say "AWESOME" and "Congratulations to you, Jeremy for this kirbytastic show!"
Fooling around. A lot.
Age 32, Male
Human being
Earth is my school
In a place, apparently.
Joined on 12/7/09